[text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-money” color=”Accent-Color”]

1,300 Baht/Person

Price in THB (Thai Baht)[/text-with-icon]

[text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-calendar” color=”Accent-Color”]

Available Everyday

This tour is all days/week[/text-with-icon]

[text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”steadysets-icon-clock” color=”Accent-Color”]

8.30AM & 13.30PM

Duration of 4–4.5 hours [/text-with-icon]

[text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-road” color=”Accent-Color”]

20–25 kilometers

Approximate distance[/text-with-icon]

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Bangkok Jungle Oasis (Half-Day)

You will find it hard to believe that you are still in Bangkok and not in the jungles of northern Thailand. On this refreshing half-day tour we will take you cycling through Bangkok’s green lung on the other side of the Chao Phraya River, also known as Bang Kachao. It’s Bangkok’s hidden jungle paradise. Much of the biking trail leads over an elevated track straight through the jungle, along plantations and farms. We will visit a beautiful floating market, ancient temples and many other hidden attractions along the way.

We start from our local starting point on the other side of the Chao Phraya River at a pier in Bang Kachao. Bang Kachao is known as the Green Lung of Bangkok, and plays an important part in the city’ ecological and climate control. This and its rich cultural history make it a perfect place to unwind and relax.

We will follow an elevated path that winds through the jungle and local communities. Every now and then you will see small farms that grow coconuts, mangoes and other fresh produce, which they sell at the local markets. It’s a beautiful and unique lifestyle with dense natural forestry and beautiful small rivers and streams.

We will stop and visit Sri Nakhon Khuean Khan Park and Botanical Garden, an oasis of trees with a big lake and shaded pavilions. You can feed the fish if you like.

On weekends, there is a floating market called Bang Nam Pheung Floating Market, one of the most beautiful and traditional floating markets around Bangkok – in fact, you might be one of the very few foreigners here. The main market itself is on the bank and there are some boats along the canal preparing and selling food. We will spend some time here to explore the market and to try some traditional Thai food.

From there will slowly cycle back through the jungle and back to our starting point from where you will take a long-tail boat across the river.


Tour Inclusive:

• High quality mountain bikes and helmets
• Traditional Thai food
• Traditional Thai snacks and refreshments
• Experienced English speaking guide

Places Visit & Tour Highlights :

• Bang Num Phung Floating Market (Open weekends)
• Bangkok Tree House
• Bang Num Phung Local Homestay
• “Green-Route” cycling path
• Sri Nakhon Khuean Khan Park
• Traditional Thai Buddhist Temples
• Fish feeding
• Local Communities
• Narrow Jungle Path

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